Bigg Boss 18’s former contestant Sara Arfeen Khan recently sat down with Bollywood Bubble for a chit-chat. The Singham Again actress who is also superstar Hrithik Roshan’s life-coach opened up about his life’s struggles and depression. She also shared about spending time with Hrithik and his family at his place. The actress recalls Hrithik inviting her kids and husband to his house for a get together.
Sara Arfeen Khan about Hrithik Roshan
Khan shared, “Me, Arfeen, and the kids were invited to Hrithik Roshan’s house, where Hrithik spent a lot of time with my kids. He loved it, and we were just having a great time. We spent the entire day at his house.”
Further talking about her relationship with the Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai actor Sara Arfeen Khan said, “Hrithik has been through a lot of ups and downs in his life. He is truly inspiring because he fought through all the challenges. He could have gone into depression because, you know, the bigger the star, the bigger the person, the more attacks you get. That’s just how it is. The more you grow, the more enemies you face, and you give people opportunities to judge you.” Sara also called Hrithik Roshan a fighter.